Big Five Personality Tests are one of the most popular personality tests in the world. This blog post will provide reviews of the best Big Five Personality Tests that you can take right now.
The Big Five personality test measures the five personality factors that psychologists have determined are core to our personality makeup.
The Five Factors of personality, also known as OCEAN, are:
- Openness To Experience
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
The Big Five model of personality is widely considered to be the most scientifically robust way to describe personality differences.
While the more popular Myers-Briggs personality test measures a person’s unconscious ways of making judgments and perceiving the world, the Big Five Personality Tests is more focused on a person’s conscious personality traits.
Want more personality tests? Check out my blog posts on the Top 12 Best Enneagram Tests, Top 10 Best Myers-Briggs Personality Tests, and Top 6 Best DISC Assessments.
The Best Big 5 Personality Tests

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels
There are a number of different Big Five Personality Tests available online.
Whether you’re a personality test newbie or expert, you can find a test that meets your needs.
Most of the Big Five Personality Tests are free, but some websites require your name and email address in order to view your results.
Additionally, there are paid options for those who want an in-depth analysis of their Big Five Personality Traits.
Like any personality test, Big Five Personality Tests may not give you a completely accurate analysis of your personality.
So it’s good to keep in mind that you may need to do some additional digging in order to validate your results.
Below is a compilation of the best Big Five Personality Tests available.
1. Five Thirty-Eight
Cost: Free
Estimated Time Required: 5 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
Review: Five Thirty-Eight offers one of the Big Five Personality Tests with the best user interface. It is simple and elegantly designed.
This test consists of 30 questions and should take you around 5 minutes to complete.
For each question, you will rank the statement using one of these five options:
- Disagree strongly
- Disagree a little
- Neutral
- Agree a little
- Agree strongly
No email sign-up is required and you receive your results instantly after the test.
The results report contains a summary of your Big Five scores as well as individual explanations for each of your Big Five Personality Traits.
After taking the test, you can also create a group with your family and friends to share and compare your results.
2. Open Psychometrics
Cost: Free
Estimated Time Required: 3 to 8 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
Review: Open Psychometrics offers one of the best, no-frills, free Big Five Personality Tests in the world.
The test consists of 50 questions that you must rate using a five-point scale where 1=Disagree, 3=Neutral, and 5=Agree.
It takes most people 3-8 minutes to complete this Big Five Personality Test.
There is an optional questionnaire at the end but you can opt-out if you wish.
No email sign-up is required and you receive your results instantly after the test.
The free report consists of a summary of your scores on five major dimensions of personality and the percentiles of what percent of other people who have taken this test that you score higher than.
3. Big Five Test
Cost: Free
Estimated Time Required: 10 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
Review: Big Five Test offers one of the best Big Five Personality Tests with a free and detailed report.
This test consists of 120 questions and should take you around 10 minutes to complete.
For each question, you will rank the statement using one of these five options:
- Very Inaccurate
- Moderately Inaccurate
- Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate
- Moderately Accurate
- Very Accurate
No email sign-up is required and you receive your results instantly after the test.
The results report contains a summary of your Big Five Personality Traits scores as well as detailed explanations for each of your Big Five Personality Traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.
Each Big Five Personality Traits are further broken down into detailed personality traits and how you score on them.
For example, your neuroticism will be made up of your scores in the following components: Anxiety, Anger, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Immoderation, and Vulnerability.
4. Truity
Cost: Free (Option to pay $19 USD to unlock full report)
Estimated Time Required: 5 to 10 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
Review: This test consists of 60 questions and should take you 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
For each question, you will rank the statement on a scale of 1 (Inaccurate) to 5 (Accurate).
There is an optional questionnaire at the end but you can leave it blank.
No email sign-up is required and you receive your results instantly after the test.
The free report consists of a summary of your scores on five major dimensions of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (sometimes abbreviated OCEAN).
You have the option to pay to unlock the full detailed report which contains additional information on the science behind the Big Five Personality Traits, your personality patterns, and your traits in action.
5. Out of Service
Cost: Free
Estimated Time Required: 10 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
Review: This test consists of 61 questions and should take you around 10 minutes to complete.
For each question, you will rank the statement using one of these five options:
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither disagree nor agree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
There is an optional questionnaire at the end that requires you to provide your gender and age.
No email sign-up is required and you receive your results instantly after the test.
The free report consists of a summary of your Big Five Personality Traits scores, a quick overview of the Big Five Personality Test, and links to learn more about the test.
6. 123 Test
Cost: Free (Option to pay $17.99 USD to unlock full report)
Estimated Time Required: 15 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
Review: This test consists of 120 questions and should take you around 15 minutes to complete.
For each question, you will rank the statement using one of these five options:
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
There is an optional questionnaire at the end that requires you to provide your gender and age.
No email sign-up is required and you receive your results instantly after the test.
The free report consists of a summary of your Big Five Personality Traits scores, a textual summary of your report, and a distribution graph that helps you understand the scores.
7.Science of People
Cost: Free
Estimated Time Required: 10 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
Review: Science of People offers a great free Big 5 Personality Test.
This test consists of 44 questions and should take you less than 10 minutes to complete.
For each question, you will rank the statement on a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
No email sign-up is required and you receive your results instantly after the test.
The final question asks you to provide your email if you want a copy of your results, but this is not mandatory.
You are scored high, medium, or low in each of the Big Five Personality Traits, and you can read additional information for each score for each personality trait.
8. Psychologist World
Cost: Free
Estimated Time Required: 15 minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
Review: This Big 5 Personality Test offered by Psychologist World is quick and easy.
This test measures 5 aspects of your personality: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
For each aspect, you will rank a statement from using the following indicators:
- Very inaccurate
- Moderately inaccurate
- Neither inaccurate nor accurate
- Moderately accurate
- Very accurate
No email sign-up is required and you receive your results instantly after the test.
9. Psychology Today
Cost: Free (With the option to unlock the full report for $6.95 USD)
Estimated Time Required: 25 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: No
This Big Five Personality Test contains 86 questions and takes around 25 minutes to complete.
For each question, you are given five options to answer:
- Completely true
- Mostly true
- Somewhat true or false
- Mostly false
- Completely false
After completing the test, you will obtain a free snapshot report of your Big Five Personality Traits immediately, but you also have the option to purchase the full results for $6.95 USD.
The free report is very brief and it only contains your score on Extroversion.
The rest of the report is locked behind a paywall.
10. Crystal
Cost: Requires Contact With Sales Team
Estimated Time Required: 5 Minutes
Email Sign Up Required: Yes
Review: Crystal’s free personality test will NOT give you your results on your big 5 personality traits.
Their free personality test will give you basic information on your Myers-Briggs personality type, Enneagram type, and DISC type.
But if you want to see more information on other assessments such as the Big 5 Personality Test, you will have to upgrade your plan.