In The Happiest Man on Earth, holocaust survivor Eddie Jaku shares his wisdom and reflects on how he has led his best possible life, talking warmly and openly about the power of gratitude, tolerance, and kindness.
Life can be beautiful if you make it beautiful. With The Happiest Man on Earth, Eddie shows us how.
Filled with his insights on friendship, family, health, ethics, love, and hatred, and the simple beliefs that have shaped him, The Happiest Man on Earth offers timeless lessons for readers of all ages, especially for young people today.
Scroll down and read 30 quotes from The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku.
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30 Quotes from The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku
Life can be beautiful if you make it beautiful. It is up to you.
Family first, family second, and family at the last.
There are many things more precious than money.
There are many things in this world that no amount of money will buy you, and some things priceless beyond measure.
Tomorrow will come if you survive today. One step at a time.
Weakness can be turned into hatred.
You can find kindness everywhere, even from strangers.
If you have the opportunity today, please go home and tell your mother how much you love her.
One good friend is my whole world.
There are always miracles in the world, even when it seems dark.
The best balm for the soul is friendship. And with that friendship, we could do the impossible.
Education is a lifesaver.
If you lose your morals, you lose yourself.
The human body is the best machine ever made.
Where there is life, there is hope.
If you can hang onto hope, your body can do miraculous things.
There are always miracles in the world, even when all seems hopeless. And when there are no miracles, you can make them happen.
With a simple act of kindness, you can save another person from despair, and that might just save their life. And this is the greatest miracle of all.
Love is the best medicine.
Happiness is the only thing in the world that doubles each time you share it.
We are all part of a larger society, and our work is our contribution to a free and safe life for all.
You can choose every day, every minute, to act in a way that may uplift a stranger, or else drag them down. The choice is easy. And it is yours to make.
Shared sorrow is half sorrow; shared pleasure is double pleasure.
What I have to share is not my pain. What I share is my hope.
Kindness is the greatest wealth of all. Small acts of kindness last longer than a lifetime.
A field is empty, but if you put in the effort to grow something then you will have a garden. And that’s life. Give something, something will come back. Give nothing, nothing will come back.
To grow a flower is a miracle: it means you can grow more. Remember that a flower is not just a flower, it is the start of a whole garden.
Sometimes there will be tears. Sometimes there will be laughter. And if you are lucky, there will be friends to share it all with, as I have known throughout my life.
No one has ever said that life is easy, but it is easier if you love it. If you hate your life, it becomes impossible to live.
Every breath is a gift. Life is beautiful if you let it be. Happiness is in your hands.
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