30 Quotes from Karma by Sadhguru

Karma by Sadhguru seeks to put you back in the driver’s seat, turning you from a terror-struck passenger to a confident driver navigating the course of your own destiny.

By living consciously and fully inhabiting each moment, you can free yourself from the cycle.

Karma is an exploration and a manual, restoring our understanding of karma to its original potential for freedom and empowerment instead of a source of entanglement.

Through Sadhguru’s teachings, you will learn how to live intelligently and joyfully in a challenging world.

Scroll down and read 30 quotes from Karma by Sadhguru.

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Quotes from Karma by Sadhguru

  1. Karma is about becoming the source of one’s own creation. In shifting responsibility from heaven to oneself, one becomes the very maker of one’s destiny.Karma is about becoming the source of one’s own creation. In shifting responsibility from heaven to oneself, one becomes the very maker of one’s destiny.
  2. Karma is the natural basis of all existence. It is not a law that is imposed from above. It does not allow us to outsource our responsibility anywhere else; it does not allow us to blame our parents, our teachers, our countries, our politicians, our gods, or our fates. It makes each one of us squarely responsible for our own destinies and, above all, the nature of our experience of life.
  3. Ultimately, life is neither suffering nor bliss. It is what you make it.Ultimately, life is neither suffering nor bliss. It is what you make it.
  4. Karma is about becoming the source of one’s own creation. In shifting responsibility from heaven to oneself, one becomes the very maker of one’s destiny.
  5. Living totally does not mean just having a good time. It means experiencing anything that comes your way fully and intensely.Living totally does not mean just having a good time. It means experiencing anything that comes your way fully and intensely.
  6. The very process of life is the dissolution of karma. If you live every moment of your life totally, you dissolve an enormous volume of karma.
  7. Being spiritual means you are committed to charting your own destiny. When you are on such a path, what you are essentially saying to the world is “I am not windblown. I am self-propelled.”
  8. However profound it is, everything that comes from memory spells karmic bondage.
  9. Once memory enters, action is enslaving. Without memory, however, you can operate consciously. When your action is unsullied by past impressions, it is liberating.
  10. There is only one crime against life: to make believe that you are something other than life.There is only one crime against life: to make believe that you are something other than life.
  11. The goal for every freedom seeker is the same: to attend to your karma now rather than wait for life to throw it at you.
  12. Pure intelligence creates memory out of itself; the rest of creation projects memory as intelligence.
  13. This path reminds you that while karma is your bondage, if you handle it right, karma can also be a stepping-stone to your liberation.
  14. In losing awareness of self is the trap of karma. The hunter becomes the hunted, the architect becomes the bonded laborer, the creator becomes creation. A spider trapped in a web of its own making is a tragedy.
  15. Seeing your life as self-created, rather than as an accidental phenomenon—this is the basis of karma. This is an empowered life that will naturally move toward liberation.Seeing your life as self-created, rather than as an accidental phenomenon—this is the basis of karma. This is an empowered life that will naturally move toward liberation.
  16. If you take more karmic load now, when you are well and capable, later you will walk “hands-free”!
  17. If you experience this moment just once, you will never be able to fall out of it.
  18. The present is your only address. The here and now is your only abode.The present is your only address. The here and now is your only abode.
  19. It is time to let go of the past. Live consciously, and you will see that this moment cannot be fragmented into past and future, into now and then. All that ever was in this creation is only in this moment, and all that will ever be is only in this moment.
  20. It is not about performing miracles. It is about recognizing the miracle of life that you are.It is not about performing miracles. It is about recognizing the miracle of life that you are.
  21. As far as the laws of existence are concerned, there is no good and bad, no crime and punishment. It is just that for every action, there is a consequence.
  22. When there is no imprint of karma in conscious experience, every action and experience becomes liberating.
  23. In maintaining distance from your thought and emotion, you can become available to the grace of the greatest beings of the past.
  24. Right now, you are like a bubble that says “The air that I hold in my lungs is my air.” You still have to exhale!
  25. You cannot own life; you can only live it.You cannot own life; you can only live it.
  26. Every human being is in the process of becoming divine….Collaborating with Nature’s plan is all you need to do.
  27. You have the choice and ability to be any way you want in a given moment. That is the freedom and the curse. Most human beings are suffering their freedom.
  28. Those who long to leave a footprint shall never fly.Those who long to leave a footprint shall never fly.
  29. The reason why human beings keep generating karma is that they want to leave a footprint. They are seeking some continuation of their individual identity.
  30. Do not think of karma in terms of lifetimes. Think of it in terms of just this Living Moment.Do not think of karma in terms of lifetimes. Think of it in terms of just this Living Moment.

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