30 Quotes From The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi

The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi invites you to live well by your own definition and equips you to be a genius about what matters and lazy about what doesn’t.

Everything from your morning routine to napping without guilt falls into place with Kendra’s thirteen Lazy Genius principles.

Discover a better way to approach your relationships, work, and piles of mail.

Be who you are without the complication of everyone else’s “shoulds.”

Do what matters, skip the rest, and be a person again.

Scroll down to read 30 Quotes from The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi.

Get The Book: The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi available now on Amazon.

30 Quotes from The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi

  1. When you care about something, you try to do it well. When you care about everything, you do nothing well.

  2. Trying hard to impress others, to hide, or to fight the shame that’s annoyingly poking your insides takes up more energy than you can bear.

  3. Stop trying at what doesn’t matter, but don’t be afraid to try at what does.

  4. That’s the irony of perfection: the walls that prevent your vulnerability from being seen also keep you from being known.

  5. You don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to give up. You simply get to be you.

    Quotes From The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi

  6. I’m all for letting go of perfection, but we’ve somehow conflated order with being fake.

  7. You can be real when life is in order and when it’s falling apart. Life is beautifully both.

  8. Perfection keeps you safely hidden but also keeps you from being truly known.

  9. Be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t.

  10. Name something that stresses you out, and make one decision to make it easier. One, not thirty-seven.

    Quotes From The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi

  11. Movement, not necessarily a finish line, is the new goal.

  12. A life of meaning doesn’t happen in one fell swoop but in small, intentional decisions day after day.

  13. Not caring and caring too much both leave you stuck, but small steps help you get moving.

  14. You can desire things that someone else doesn’t. You can struggle with something that gives someone else joy. You can care about what matters to you even if it doesn’t matter to someone else, and we can all lovingly and compassionately exist together in that tension.

  15. Living in your season means letting your frustrations breathe but not be in charge.

    Quotes From The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi

  16. Nature’s seasons and your particular season of life all have something to teach you, if you’ll live in your season and be content where you are.

  17. There comes a point when grasping for control makes you feel tired instead of safe.

  18. Ironically, when you let routine be in charge, you ultimately miss out on what matters anyway.

  19. We can’t live well without connection and community.

  20. Deep relationships don’t come from letting others into the deep stuff only; deep relationships come from a willingness to let others into all of it.

    Quotes From The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi

  21. If it isn’t essential, it’s just noise.

  22. The small choices we make over and over every single day contribute more to a meaningful life than the big decisions do.

  23. True fulfillment comes from subtraction, from removing everything that distracts you from what matters and leaving only what’s essential.

  24. Self-care should be a regular practice of doing what makes you feel like yourself. It’s a practice of remembering who you are.

  25. Without affection for ourselves, without softness on the inside, without being kind to ourselves, we will always be tired.

    Quotes From The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi

  26. You are your own friend. You’re worthy of kindness, especially from yourself.

  27. Value who you are now and lovingly accept yourself without comparison to the past or the future.

  28. We become a generation of women who are at peace with who we are, who encourage one another to move closer to our deepest identities and shed what’s in the way.

  29. Stop trying to be the ideal, future you, carrying a load you were never meant to carry. Let go of the working, the listing, the striving—all the things you’re doing to deserve the love of the people around you. You are enough.

  30. Never ever feel guilty about what matters to you. Everything matters because we all matter, and different things matter to each of us. Name what matters to you. If it matters, it counts.

    Quotes From The Lazy Genius Way By Kendra Adachi

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