Do you want to receive intuitive guidance from your higher self? Read this blog post and learn how to connect with your higher self in 3 steps.
What Is Your Higher Self?
First of all, what is your highest self?
Your higher self is your spirit, which is the essence of who you are.
Your physical form consists of three parts: body, mind, and spirit.
Your body and mind are the physical parts of you, but your spirit is the higher consciousness that animates your physical form.
Your higher self belongs to the spiritual realm, so it is connected to the Universe (or God, Source, etc).
This is why connecting with your spiritual self allows you to receive inspiration, guidance, and ideas that you normally would not be able to access.
Follow these 3 steps below and connect with your higher self.
Can You Connect With Your Higher Self?
Yes. You can connect with your higher self.
In fact, you are never disconnected from it.
We are all divine extensions of God and nothing can change this truth.
But what can happen is you can forget your connection.
When you forget this connection, you feel fearful, lost, and separated.
But all it takes is a shift in perception to remember that your higher self, the spiritual part of you, is always one with God.
What Does Your Higher Self Look Like?
Your higher self looks like God—whatever that means to you.
Most people describe it to be a super bright all-encompassing white light.
This force of light is always there to support you and guide you towards solutions of the highest good for all.
It never lets you down. It is intuitive, authoritative, yet compassionate.
It offers you gentle guidance all the time. All you need to do is to be still and listen to your intuition, in order to receive it.
How Long Does It Take To Connect With Your Higher Self?
Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t take long at all to connect with your Higher Self.
It only takes a few seconds to connect with your Higher Self.
All you have to do is to consciously remember that you are a spirit having a human experience.
Identifying with your spirit rather than the body immediately shifts you back into inner peace because you know that in truth all is well.
As you continue to practice tuning into your Higher Self, it will become easier and easier to stay connected with it.
It can take up to 40 days of consistent practice of tuning in because you can feel a consistent connection with your higher self.
Does Connecting With Your Higher Self Always Work?
Yes. Connecting with your Higher Self always works.
Your Higher Self is always saying ‘YES’ to you.
If you feel disconnected from Spirit, it doesn’t mean your Higher Self has rejected you.
It simply means your thoughts are out of alignment with your truth, and it’s time to pivot your thoughts and come back into alignment.
1. Ask Your Higher Self For Guidance
The first step to connecting with your higher self is to ask for guidance.
One of the best ways to initiate the connection with your higher self is to pray.
The word prayer may seem intimidating, but it is not complicated at all.
As I explain in my spiritual self-help book, Feeling Good, prayer is just a way for you to communicate directly with your higher self.
So every time you pray and ask for spiritual guidance, you deepen your connection with your spiritual self.
To get started, you can say a simple prayer like, “I’m open to receiving spiritual guidance from the Universe. I step back and let my higher self lead the way.”
Or you can use any of these 10 prayers to the Universe to cultivate your connection with your spiritual self.
Once you have said your prayer out loud, the next step is to receive guidance.
2. Receive The Guidance You Asked For
The second step to connecting with your higher self is to receive the guidance you asked for.
As I teach in my manifestation online course, your spirit communicates with you through your feelings and emotions.
So pay attention to how you feel in order to hear the guidance from your higher self.
You know how different people have different likes and dislikes? Things that they naturally gravitate towards? And things that they naturally stay away from?
Well, these are examples of intuitive guidance from your spiritual self.
When you are doing something that is in alignment with the truth of who you are, your higher self affirms it by making you feel good or joyful.
When you are doing something that is out of alignment with the truth of who you are, your higher self affirms it by making you feel bad or stressed.
So the more you are in tune with your feelings, the more you can hear the guidance from your spiritual self.
Another powerful way to receive guidance from your higher self is to practice meditation.
Meditation directs your attention away from your thoughts which creates space for you to hear the intuitive guidance from your higher self.
Think of it this way: Praying is asking for guidance. Meditation is listening to that guidance.
3. Follow The Guidance From Your Higher Self
The third step to connecting with your higher self is to follow the guidance you received.
You have asked, you have received, and now you have to actually follow the guidance.
A big part of strengthening your connection with your spiritual self is to act upon the guidance you receive.
For example, if you feel an intuitive calling to manifest a new job or pick up this new hobby, you better listen to it!
If you ignore the guidance you receive, you create inner resistance against your higher self which can block you from receiving guidance in the future.
Trust that as long as use your feelings as your compass, your higher self will never let you down.
Connecting with your spiritual self is a life-long journey.
This means the more you rely on your higher self, the easier it will be to step back and let your spiritual self lead the way.