If thinking about your manifestation brings up more negative emotions than positive ones, that’s a sign you need to go more general with your desire.
Yes. It’s important to be specific about what you want when manifesting.
But sometimes being too specific can hinder your manifestation by bringing up painful memories or highlighting the absence of your desire.
For example, thinking about your ex-partner after a bad breakup may bring up feelings of sadness instead of feelings of love.
Or thinking about financial abundance after losing a job may bring up feelings of worry instead of joy.
And remember that you always attract things that are a vibrational match to how you feel.
So the trick here is to simplify your desire to be more general.
You want to simplify your desire to the point where it conjures up nothing but good feelings.
Follow these steps below to see how to do this in 3 steps.
1. Go More General When Manifesting
The first step to releasing resistance when manifesting is to go more general with your desire.
Although it’s easier to visualize and get into vibrational alignment with your desire when it’s clear and specific.
This can actually backfire and cause more resistance sometimes.
For example, if you just broke up with your ex two days ago.
It will be very difficult to visualize being in a loving relationship with a specific person immediately.
It’s most likely you won’t believe in your manifestation which can leave you feeling worse than before.
And feeling bad always means there is vibrational resistance between you and your desire.
If your desire brings up a feeling of discomfort, it’s a sign that it’s too specific and it’s doing more harm than good vibrationally. In other words, it hits too close to home.
This situation calls for going more general with your desire.
Instead of manifesting a loving relationship with a specific person, you can focus on manifesting a loving relationship with someone.
Or you can manifest loving experiences in general.
Or you can simply manifest feeling better.
Notice how these desires become increasingly easier to believe in as you go more general.
You’ll want to go general until your desire feels good to you and it feels like something you can believe in right now.
Remember that this general desire is not the ultimate destination for you. It’s just a stepping stone for you to reach for more once you have found your footing so to speak.
2. Focus On Manifesting Your New Desire
The second step is to releasing resistance is to focus on manifesting your new desire that’s more general.
Instead of manifesting a beautiful relationship with a specific person, focus on manifesting feeling good.
Because this general desire is something that you can easily believe in, there is little to no resistance between you and your desire.
And so by the Law of Attraction, it must come to you quickly.
3. Get More Specific Once It Manifests
The final step is to refine your desire to become more specific once your general desire manifests.
Once you manifest your general desire, it’s time to reach for more.
Go ahead and focus on a new desire that’s more specific than the one you just manifested.
For example, you can now focus on manifesting loving experiences in general.
Whether it be from your friends, family, or romantic partner, be open to the idea of manifesting loving experiences from all sources.
And once that manifests, you can move on to a more specific desire like manifesting a loving relationship with someone.
If you find it difficult to believe in your manifestation, go more general.
If you find it easy to believe in your manifestation, go more specific.
Any form of manifestation, whether it’s general or specific, brings you closer to what you want.