How To Get Into Vibrational Alignment With Your Desire

Want to get into vibrational alignment with your desire? Here are 3 steps to becoming a vibrational match to what you want.

Vibrational alignment means the energy you are sending out is vibrating at the same frequency as the energy you desire to experience.

According to the Law of Vibration, everything in this world is made up of energy that is vibrating at a specific frequency.

The most effective way to know what vibration you are currently in is through your emotions.

As long as you are in tune with your emotions, you can assess whether your energy is high vibration or low vibration using the Emotional Guidance Scale.

Vibrational alignment helps you attract your desire because vibrations with similar frequencies are drawn to each other as a result of the Law of Attraction.

So when you vibrate at the frequency of joy, you will attract situations, people, objects, and outcomes that match your joy.

Vibrational energy can be felt through your emotions.

The vibration of your thoughts is indicated by the way you feel.

When you feel good, it means you are thinking thoughts that are in alignment with what you want.

When you feel bad, it means you are thinking thoughts that are out of alignment with what you want.

Therefore, when you feel good all the time, it means that the majority of your thoughts are in vibrational alignment with your desire.

How To Align Yourself With Your Manifestation

The key to aligning yourself with your manifestation is to consciously focus on thoughts that support your desire.

If you’re always doubting or worrying about your manifestation, you will fall out of alignment with your desire.

You cannot think about not having what you want and manifest what you want at the same time.

The majority of your thoughts must be aligned with the manifestation of your desire.

This means no negative self-talk, no complaining, and no worrying about the future.

The more you believe you can manifest your desire, the more in alignment you are with it.

This blog post will help learn how to identify the vibration behind your desire and move into alignment with it.

Keep reading to learn the 3 steps to get into vibrational alignment with your desire.

1. Write Down Your Desire

woman sitting on the floor thinking

The first step to getting into vibrational alignment is to write down the desire you want to manifest in your manifestation journal.

If you’re like me, you probably have quite a few things that you would like to manifest at any given moment.

But different desires call for different vibrations so just try to focus on one desire for this exercise.

Once you have written down what you want to manifest, I want you to describe your desire in detail.

Add a few bullet points underneath your desire with specific things you’d like to see.

Use your imagination to bring your desire to life.

Remember, the more real your desire feels to you, the easier it will be to move into vibrational alignment with the feeling of experiencing your desire.

2. Clarify How Your Desire Makes You Feel

Woman in Black and White Stripe Top Writing

The second step to getting into vibrational alignment is to clarify how your desire makes you feel.

Ask yourself questions like, “How will I feel when this manifests?” or “What kind of emotions do I feel when I think about this desire?”

Refer to the Emotional Guidance Scale to help you identify all the high vibrational emotions that are supporting your desire.

If your desire makes you feel joyful, write that down! If your desire brings you happiness, write that down! If your desire creates feelings of passion, write that down!

Remember that your feelings and emotions are your best tools for identifying the vibrations of the energy around you.

By clarifying the intentions behind your desire, you will know exactly what you need to do to move into vibrational alignment with it.

3. Embody The Positive Vibrations

man meditating

The final step to getting into vibrational alignment is to embody the positive vibrations in your day-to-day life.

As a result of the Law of Attraction, your energy is like a magnet that is constantly pulling people, objects, and experiences with similar energy toward you.

So by that definition, if you maintain vibrational alignment with the energy you desire, it is guaranteed that you will eventually manifest it in your life.

Now there are many ways you can go about doing this. It all comes down to your preferences.

Here are three easy ways for you to get started.


A powerful to get into vibrational alignment with your desire is through visualization meditation. Read my guide on visualization here.

Visualization helps you get into vibrational alignment with your desire by cultivating the feeling of experiencing your desire as if it has manifested.

The more you embody the positive feelings of experiencing your desire, the closer you are to manifesting your desire.

Positive Affirmations

You can use positive affirmations to raise your vibrations to match the feelings you want to experience. 

For example, if you want to manifest love into your life, use these positive affirmations for love to raise your energy toward love and passion.

Or if you want to manifest health into your life, use these positive affirmations for health to raise your energy toward joy and vitality.

Want more affirmations? Head to my Positive Affirmations archive for more.

Prayers To The Universe

You can also pray to the Universe to raise your vibrations.

Praying to the Universe is the best way to directly communicate with this higher power and shift your energy from fear to faith.

Read my guide on prayers to the Universe here.

The key to receiving your manifestation is all about longevity.

You must not only cultivate the feeling of experiencing your desire but live in it.

So make these practices a daily habit and make it a priority to raise your vibrations as much as possible.

The more you live in vibrational alignment with what you desire, the faster you allow it to come into form.

How Long Does It Take To Get Into Vibrational Alignment?

It usually takes 40 days of consistent practice to get into vibrational alignment with your desire.

It all depends on how well you stay in alignment with the belief that you will manifest what you want.

The more you doubt, worry, or attack your desire with negative thoughts. The longer it will take for your desire to manifest.

Please note it’s important for your thoughts to stay in alignment with your desire throughout the day. Not just when doing your manifestation techniques.

As long as you believe you will manifest what you want, you will manifest it into your life.