30 Pride Affirmations For The LGBTQ Community

Empower yourself with these 30 positive affirmations for the LGBTQ community.

What Are LGBTQ Pride Affirmations?

LGBTQ affirmations empower and uplift you by gently replacing the negative thoughts in your head with positive thoughts.

Many LGBTQ people have picked up limiting beliefs from their families, societies, cultures, and religions.

If not properly dealt with, these limiting beliefs will show up in all areas of your life and block you from living your highest truth.

This is why it’s so important to consciously replace your limiting beliefs with positive beliefs that are in alignment with who you are.

And affirmations help you do just that! Repeat these affirmations every day and reprogram your mindset towards positivity.

Read below for 30 LGBTQ affirmations.

30 LGBTQ Affirmations

two lgbtq women holding hands

  1. I am proud of who I am.
  2. I love myself for who I am.
  3. I am confident in who I am.
  4. I am unapologetic about my sexuality.
  5. My sexuality is my gift.
  6. I am living my highest truth.
  7. I am here to get closer to love.
  8. Compassion is my compass.
  9. I am compassionate to myself and those around me.
  10. I step back and let my inner guide lead the way.
  11. I honor and respect my inner guide.
  12. I choose to see the world from the perspective of love.
  13. I shower myself with self-love.
  14. I am always learning and growing.
  15. I choose to perceive judgment with compassion.
  16. I let go of all negative thoughts.
  17. I release all limiting beliefs that no longer serve me.
  18. I give up all self-attack and judgment.
  19. I am grateful for my life.
  20. I am proud of how far I have come.
  21. I extend forgiveness easily and liberally.
  22. I am willing to forgive those who hurt me.
  23. I forgive because I want to feel good.
  24. I can always choose a better-feeling thought.
  25. Joy is my birthright.
  26. My purpose is to have fun and feel good.
  27. I choose to be happy every day.
  28. My joy elevates the vibration of those around me.
  29. I inspire those around me to live their truth.
  30. My freedom brings light to the world.

How Long Does It Take For LGBTQ Affirmations To Work?

It usually takes at least 40 days to start seeing positive changes from LGBTQ affirmations.

The exact amount of time it will take depends on how well you stay in alignment with the belief that it’s safe for you to express who you really are.

If you’re always worrying about what others will think of you, you will block your highest self from manifesting.

You cannot think about not having what you want and manifest what you want at the same time.

The majority of your thoughts must be aligned with the belief that you are worthy no matter what.

This means no negative self-talk, no self-doubt, and no complaining about what others will think of you.

Do Pride Affirmations Always Work?

Yes. Pride affirmations always work.

However, your outcome may unfold in a different way than you planned it.

For example, instead of finding support from your family, you will manifest a new group of friends who support you no matter what.

This is why it’s so important to not limit the way you think your manifestation will unfold. Always be open to creative possibilities.

Say yes to new opportunities and try new ventures with a positive attitude.

How Many Times To Say Each LGBTQ Affirmation?

You should repeat the LGBTQ affirmations at least twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening.

And then you should repeat the affirmations whenever you find your thoughts out of alignment with your desire of living your highest truth.

For example, if you find yourself feeling shameful over your sexual orientation, immediately use the affirmations to replace your negative thought with more positive ones.

How To Use LGBTQ Affirmations

rainbow lgbtq light on two arms

If you’re new to affirmations, you can follow these 5 steps on how to use affirmations to get started.

But the number one thing to remember when using positive affirmations is it’s all about how you feel.

Affirmations work the best when you actually believe in what you are saying. Don’t just recite affirmations just for the sake of doing it.

Choose a few that resonate with you and actually imagine how you feel if you lived out the affirmation.

If reciting an affirmation brings you a sense of relief, then you are on the right track to harnessing the power of positive affirmations.

Try writing affirmations for yourself. No one knows you and your circumstances better than you! I strongly believe that the most powerful affirmations are the affirmations you write for yourself.