Law of Assumption: The Complete Guide

What is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption states that whatever you assume as true becomes your reality.

So the key to using the Law of Assumption to manifest your desires is to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled.

Neville Goddard teaches that nothing exists outside of your own consciousness, and your entire experience of the world is simply a projection of your internal consciousness.

This is why the key to changing your experience is to start by changing the assumptions you hold about the world.

man standing

How Does The Law of Assumption Work?

The Law of Assumption works by instilling new beliefs (or assumptions) into your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind controls 95% of your actions and the outcomes that result from your actions.

By convincing your subconscious mind that you already have your desire, your body will go on autopilot to create this desire in your physical reality.

How Do You Use the Law of Assumption?

Step 1: Write Down What You Want To Manifest

The first step is to describe the desire you want to manifest.

If you have multiple things you want to manifest, simply pick one to focus on for now.

As I teach in my manifestation course, the best way to manifest is to focus on one thing at a time.

So take this time to write down the desire you’d like to manifest.

Use your five senses to describe the experience of your desire and add specific details to it.

The more specific you are, the easier it will be to imagine the feeling of what it’s like to experience your desire.

Step 2: Imagine The Feeling Of Your Desire As If It Has Already Manifested

The second step is to imagine the feeling of your desire as if it has already manifested.

It’s not enough to just think about or write down your desire. To change your internal state, you must immerse in the feeling of your desire being fulfilled.

This is where the power of your imagination comes in.

According to the Law of Assumption, your imagination has the power to change your reality by changing your internal state.

The more vividly you can imagine yourself experiencing your desire in your mind, the more quickly you will be able to experience it in the physical world.

Use what you’ve written down in the first step to visualize how good it feels to experience your desire.

For example, if you want to manifest a new job, don’t just think about your shiny new corner office or your fancy job title.

Go beyond the form by imagining how good it feels to work in a career that truly aligns with your passion.

You can even take it to the next level by imagining how your manifestation can elevate the spirits of your family, loved ones, and friends.

The key here rests with your feeling.

You have to be willing to suspend your disbelief and limiting beliefs and allow your imagination to transform the beliefs you hold about the world.

Remember that whatever you assume is true will become your reality.

Step 3: Assume Your Desire Is Fulfilled

The final step is to assume your desire is fulfilled.

Yes. Just live your life under the assumption that your desire is already accomplished.

If you can cultivate the feeling of your desire in your mind with ease, it means that you have already achieved your desire internally.

And according to the Law of Assumption, when your internal state changes, your external reality must change along with it because the world is simply a projection of your consciousness.

By maintaining the assumption that your desire is fulfilled, the physical manifestation of your desire is sure to follow.

If at any point you feel your assumption is being challenged, go back to the previous steps to realign it.

woman smiling

Law of Assumption Examples

Here are some examples of things you can manifest with the Law of Assumption:

  • Financial abundance
  • Romantic relationships
  • Specific person (SP)
  • Healing from diseases
  • Career opportunities
  • Changed personalities

I have manifested successful online businesses, a loving partner, and healing from chronic disease.

If you want me to personally help you manifest your desires, click here to sign up for my 1:1 coaching program.

Can You Manifest A Specific Person Using The Law of Assumption?

Is it possible to manifest your specific person using the Law of Assumption? Yes! Because I’ve done it myself. 

The Law of Assumption states that whatever you assume as true becomes your reality.

So the key to using the Law of Assumption to manifest your desires is to assume that your desire is ALREADY done.

The best way to change your assumptions is through affirmations.

The more your repeat your affirmations, the quicker you reprogram your assumptions.

Your desire will manifest when you believe that your desire is already done with absolute certainty.

Follow these 3 steps and start manifesting your SP using the Law of Assumption.

man and woman hugging

Who Discovered The Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption was discovered by Neville Lancelot Goddard.

Neville Lancelot Goddard was an American philosopher and spiritual author. He is most well known for his teachings on manifesting your desires using the Law of Assumption.

He was born on February 19, 1905, in Saint Michael, Barbados, and died on October 1, 1972, in Los Angeles, California.

Neville Goddard Portrait

Is the Law of Assumption Real?

Yes, the Law of Assumption is real.

But in order for it to work, you must first believe it works.

If you believe it doesn’t work, you will manifest experiences that prove it doesn’t work. This is how the law works.

Need more proof? Give these success stories a read. All of these individuals have successfully used the Law of Assumption to manifest their specific person back!

If they can do it, so can you.

Does the Law of Assumption Work?

Yes. The Law of Assumption works 100%. It has worked for me and so many of my students and clients.

It works regardless if you believe in it or not.

For example, someone who assumes they are a great driver will get into fewer accidents than someone who assumes they are a terrible driver.

Another example would be someone who assumes they are attractive will attract many more dates and partners than someone who assumes they are unattractive.

These seemingly everyday experiences illustrate the power of the Law of Assumption and how it’s always working.

What Is The Meaning Of the Law of Assumption?

The meaning of the Law of Assumption is you attract whatever you believe to be true about yourself and the world around you.

What you believe is what you will receive.

Whatever thought you assume as true will come into form in your life because your body is programmed to look for evidence that proves your beliefs true.

Is the Law of Assumption a Universal Law?

The Law of Assumption is a universal law which means that it is always working and it applies to every single person—including you!

The universal laws describe the way things operate in this time-space reality.

These universal laws are always working whether you are aware of them or not, so not understanding them puts you at a disadvantage in life.

They are sort of like the rules of the game, so to speak. If you want to win the game, you must first learn the rules.

Understanding the laws of the universe helps you to not only survive but thrive in the universe.

What Is The Difference Between the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction

1. Law of Assumption Is More Specific

The Law of Assumption states that whatever you assume as true becomes your reality.

So the key to using it to manifest your desires is to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like.

Everything (both tangible and intangible) vibrates at a certain frequency and things with the same vibrational frequencies are attracted to each other.

So the key to using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires is to get into vibrational alignment with your desire and attract it into your reality.

2. Law of Assumption States There Is No God

The Law of Assumption states that there is no God because nothing exists outside of you.

Everything in your world is simply a projection of your consciousness.

Therefore, even “God” is simply a projection of your internal state.

There is no “Universe” or “Source” or any other higher power.

You are the ultimate creator.

The Law of Attraction states the Universe (or God) always responds to your vibrational requests to deliver you the outcomes that are a vibrational match for you.

You are a co-creator with this invisible force.

As long as you do your part vibrationally, the Universe will handle the rest.

3. Law of Assumption States There Is No Free Will

The Law of Assumption states that free will does not exist because everyone is simply a projection of your internal state.

You are the creator of your own reality, and everyone plays the roles you assign them.

If you want to change someone, you must first start by changing your assumptions about them.

By shifting your internal state, your outer reality will shift along with it.

The Law of Attraction states that free will exists and everyone has the ability to manifest their desires as well.

The Law of Attraction leaves other people out of the equation because it recognizes the power of free will.

But nothing can enter into your experience unless you are vibrationally aligned with it. This means other people cannot manifest things into your experience unless you give attention to it.

Instead of trying to change others, it focuses on changing yourself.

man sitting

Which is Better: The Law of Assumption or the Law of Attraction?

Although differences exist, the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction are both great ways to manifest what you desire.

One is not better than the other. You just have to find the method that works for you.

The Law of Assumption works well when you are trying to manifest a very specific thing into your life.

The Law of Attraction works well when you are trying to manifest good things in all areas of your life.