10 Signs You’re Manifesting Your Ex Back

Do you want to know if your ex is coming back to you? Here are 10 signs you’re manifesting your ex back.

Can You Manifest Your Ex Back?

Yes. You can manifest your ex back.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like.

Without exception, you will always attract into your life whatever you give your energy, focus, and attention to.

Of course, this law will apply to romantic relationships.

Read below for the 10 signs you’re manifesting your ex back.

1. You See Their Name Randomly

The first sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if you see their name or initials randomly.

Their name may appear anywhere like in movies, songs, posters, ads, or social media.

Seeing their name is a sign that you’re on the right track to manifesting your ex back into your life.

You won’t need to intentionally look for the name. The name will come to you.

2. You Hear Their Favorite Song

The second sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if you hear their favorite song out of the blue.

Their favorite song may play on the radio, in a tv show, or at a store.

Hearing their favorite song is a telltale sign that you’re on the way to manifesting them back.

3. You See Something That Reminds You Of Them

The third sign you’re manifesting your ex back is you see something that reminds you of them.

This can be something that they like to do or a phrase that they like to say.

Whenever you see something that reminds you of your ex, take comfort in knowing that this is a sign that they’re on their way back to you.

4. You Feel Like They’re Thinking About You

The fourth sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if you feel like they’re thinking about you.

This sign feels like an inner knowing that you’re on their mind.

If you always feel like your ex is thinking about you but you can’t explain why, you can take it as a sign that you’re getting close to manifesting them back into your life.

5. You See Your Sign From The Universe

The fifth sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if you see your sign from the Universe.

Pick a symbol or number that represents your sign and ask the Universe to show you this sign if your manifestation is close.

Say this prayer to ask the Universe for a sign, “Universe, show me a sign of [your sign] in 24 hours if my manifestation is near.

If you see your sign within 24 hours, trust that your desire is very close to manifesting.

If you do not see your sign within 24 hours, take that as a sign that you need to remain patient and wait for the divine plan to unfold.

Another way to receive signs is to use affirmation cardsAffirmation cards are one of the most powerful ways to receive spiritual guidance from a higher power.

Learn more by reading my guide on how to use affirmation cards.

6. You Have Unwavering Faith

The sixth sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if you have unwavering faith in your manifestation.

This sign is a BIG one.

If you feel like you will manifest them back no matter what, that’s a major sign that your manifestation will work.

How does unwavering faith feel like? It feels like nothing can shake your belief in your desire.

You’re able to perceive every obstacle as an opportunity leading you closer to your ex.

7. You Feel Good No Matter What Happens

The seventh sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if you feel good no matter what happens.

This means that you’re able to wake up and have a good day regardless if you’re with your ex or not.

Feeling good no matter the outcome means that you’ve successfully detached from it.

You have 100% faith in your desire and you feel good knowing that every day brings you closer to your ex.

8. You Feel Unbothered By Time

The eighth sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if you feel unbothered by time.

This means that you’re no longer concerned with when your desire will manifest.

You know that your desire will come to you when the timing is right.

9. They Interact With Your Social Media

The ninth sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if they interact with your social media.

This means they look at your stories, like your posts, or like your comments.

Any sort of interaction means that they are still interested in you and they are considering getting back together with you soon.

10. They Contact You

The tenth sign you’re manifesting your ex back is if they contact you.

Now, this may sound kind of obvious but there’s something important here that you must not do if you want to manifest them back.

Don’t overthink the message they send!

The message may not be exactly what you were hoping for but any outreach is an opportunity for you to develop it into a full-blown conversation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Manifesting Your Ex

How Long Does It Take To Manifest Your Ex Back?

It can take a few weeks to manifest your ex back.

The amount of time it will take depends on how well you stay in alignment with the belief that you will get them back.

If you’re always doubting or worrying about your ex, you will block it from manifesting.

Don’t let the timing throw you out of alignment with what you want.

As long as you believe you two will be back together, you will be reunited with them.

Does Manifesting Your Ex Really Work?

Yes. Manifesting your ex really works.

How do I know? I have done it twice with two different people. And now I’m in the most loving relationship with my partner.

Your ex just like any other person is always responding to your thoughts.

As long as you do the personal growth work to heal the part of you that co-created the breakup in the first place, you two will be back together.

Can You Manifest Your Ex Even If You Have No Contact?

Yes, you can manifest your ex even if you have no contact with them.

It doesn’t matter whether you have contact or no contact at all.

You do not need to worry about how you will be back together.

As long as you believe in the end result, you will manifest it in one way or another.

Can You Manifest Your Ex Even If They Blocked You?

Yes, you can manifest your ex even if they blocked you. 

It doesn’t matter whether they blocked you or not.

You do not need to worry about how they will contact you.

As long as you believe in the end result, you will manifest it in one way or another.

How To Manifest Your Ex If They Have A Girlfriend or Boyfriend?

The best way to manifest your ex if they have a girlfriend or boyfriend is to visualize the end result you want to manifest.

It doesn’t matter if they have moved on with a new partner. That is just part of the unfolding to the end result.

As long as you remain faithful to the end result you want to manifest, it will come into form.

How To Make Your Ex Want You Back?

The best way to make your ex want you back is to use the breakup as an opportunity to work on yourself.

Work on yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Do it with the intention of being the best version of yourself rather than using it as a way to get your ex back.

This will help you grow into the person you are meant to be, react less to triggers, and attract (and maintain) a more loving relationship in the future.