What Is The Law of Vibration and How To Use It

The Law of Vibration is a universal law that is less well known but equally as important as the Law of Attraction when it comes to manifesting.

If you want to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction, you have to see the world in terms of the vibrational frequency of energy.

Well, that is what the Law of Vibration is all about.

The Law of Vibration gives you the foundational framework for understanding the vibration of energy so you can take action and get into vibrational alignment with your desire.

Keep reading to learn what is the Law of Vibration and how to use it to manifest what you want.

What Is The Law Of Vibration

man sitting by a pool

The Law of Vibration states that everything in this world, whether tangible or intangible, is made up of energy that is vibrating at a specific frequency.

This means everything that you see, like your phone, your pets, your friends, and everything that you don’t see, like your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, are comprised of energy that is constantly vibrating.

This may sound strange on its own, but when you pair the Law of Vibration with the Law of Attraction, you now have the formula of what it takes to attract your desires into your reality through vibrational alignment.

To manifest your desire using the Law of Vibration, all you have to do is identify the vibration of your desire and then raise your own vibration until you become a vibrational match with what you want.

By the Law of Attraction, your vibration will attract things, people, situations, experiences, and outcomes with the same vibration into your life.

What Is The Law of Vibration Used For?

The Law of Vibration can be used to attract your desires into your life, navigate through tough situations, and understand what your emotions are revealing to you.

The Law of Vibration, combined with the Law of Attraction, helps you manifest your visions into reality. When you think thoughts that are in alignment with what you want, you become a vibrational match for it. And by the Law of Attraction, you will attract people, situations, and experiences that are a vibrational match to your thoughts.

The Law of Vibration also helps you navigate through difficult people and circumstances. Instead of blaming external sources for your challenges, you can look within to identify how your thoughts are out of alignment vibrationally.

Finally, the Law of Vibration helps you understand the purpose of your emotions. Your emotions are a direct indicator of your vibration. When you feel good, it means you’re thinking thoughts that are in alignment with what you want When you feel bad, it means you’re thinking thoughts that are out of alignment with what you want. By understanding the law, you can use your emotions as guidance to change the direction of your thoughts and what you’re manifesting.

How To Use The Law of Vibration

girl sitting on a chair

Now you may be wondering how you can tell what the vibration of your desire is? 

Well, the answer lies in your feelings and emotions.

Your feelings and emotions are your internal barometers for measuring the vibrational frequency of the energy of things, people, situations, experiences, and outcomes. Learn how to use the Emotional Guidance Scale to raise your vibrations here.

To identify the vibration of your desire, you have to identify the feelings and emotions that are behind the desire.

In other words — what are your intentions that are supporting this desire?

For example, let’s say you want to identify the vibration of having more money.

Ask yourself this question, “How will I feel when I manifest more money? What kind of positive emotions do I feel when I think about money?”

You may feel positive emotions like joy, love, and happiness, all of which are high vibrational energy according to the Emotional Guidance Scale.

The general rule with vibration is the higher the vibration something is, the better it feels to you.

Now that you know that your desire is backed by this high vibrational energy, all you have to do is to achieve vibrational alignment with it. Read my guide on vibrational alignment to learn more about this.

For example, if manifesting money and wealth bring you feelings of joy. You will need to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the vibration of joy in order to manifest the joyful experience of financial abundance into your life.

If manifesting a relationship with someone brings you feelings of love. You will need to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the vibration of love in order to manifest the loving experience of having a partner into your life.

There are many things you can do to raise your vibrations to match the vibrations of your desire. My personal favorites are visualization, I Am affirmations, and prayers to the Universe.

How Long Does It Take For The Law of Vibration To Work?

It usually takes 40 days of consistent practice to start seeing results from the Law of Vibration.

After 40 days, you should find it much easier to think thoughts that support the possibility of your desire.

Your doubts and worry should subside and you should feel more hopeful and optimistic about your manifestation.

Remember that you always attract what you believe.

When you fully believe that your desire is on its way, it will show up eventually.

How Often Should You Practice The Law of Vibration?

You should practice the Law of Vibration every single moment.

At any given moment, your emotions are offering guidance on the degree of vibrational alignment of the thoughts you’re thinking.

When you feel good, it means you’re thinking thoughts that are bringing you closer to your desire.

When you feel bad, it means you’re thinking thoughts that are pushing you away from your desire.

By tuning into your emotions constantly, you will be able to stay in vibrational alignment with what you want and therefore attract it into your life.

Does The Law of Vibration Work For Manifesting?

Yes. The Law of Vibration works for manifesting. The reason why the Law of Vibration helps you manifest is that it helps you understand the degree of vibrational alignment of your thoughts.

Your thoughts create your reality. As long as your thoughts are aligned with what you want, you will manifest your desire.

But it’s nearly impossible to monitor every single thought you have on a daily basis. An average human thinks over 60,000 thoughts a day!

This is why you must rely on your emotions instead of your thoughts. The way that you feel is a reflection of the thoughts that you are thinking.

When you feel good, it’s a sign that your thoughts are in alignment with what you want.

When you feel bad, it’s a sign that your thoughts are out of alignment with what you want.

So by checking how you feel, you will always know the degree of alignment of your thoughts.

Law of Vibration vs Law of Attraction

What is the difference between the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction? 

The Law of Vibration states that everything in this world is made up of energy that is vibrating at a specific frequency.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like.

By combining the two laws together, you have the perfect formula to attract your desires into your life. 

When you use your thoughts to align yourself with the frequency of what you want, you attract your desire towards you.