How To Take Action When Manifesting

Want to know what it means to take action when manifesting? Here are 3 actions you need to take when manifesting.

Should You Take Action When Manifesting?

Yes. You should take action when manifesting.

“Take action” is often thrown around in the manifestation community but what does it really mean?

In my manifestation practice, taking action means doing anything that helps you with your manifestation.

It’s not just about going out there and trying to “make” your manifestation happen.

It’s a free-flowing combination of practicing the manifestation method of your choice, taking inspired actions, and honing your spiritual practice.

Anything that helps you believe that you are getting closer to your desire is “taking action”.

Read below to learn more about the 3 types of actions you can take when manifesting.

1. Practice The Manifestation Method of Your Choice

woman writing

The first step to taking action when manifesting is to pick and choose a manifestation method that resonates with you and master it.

How do you know which method to use? The method of your choosing should feel easy, effortless, and come naturally to you.

Try out a few different manifestation techniques and let your intuition guide you to the one that works for you.

You should not have to force it or feel like it’s a chore.

Some people may prefer scripting, while others may prefer visualization. There is no right or wrong answer here.

I personally use the 5 Step Spiritual Manifestation Method that I teach in my book Feeling Good and in my manifestation course Manifesting Made Easy.

Your chosen practice should make you feel really good so that it puts you into vibrational alignment with your desire.

Make it non-negotiable to dedicate at least 5 minutes every day to work on your practice.

Raising your vibration is the most important step for manifesting positive changes in your life.

When your vibration is high, the Universe responds to it by sending you positive people, situations, and outcomes.

According to the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration, this attraction process happens constantly—even when you’re not aware of it—it does not stop.

Your vibrational energy is like a magnet that is constantly attracting things that are a vibrational match for you.

So if you want to attract more positive experiences, it is imperative that you make it your highest priority to dwell in positive energy like joy and appreciation as much as possible.

Refer to the Emotional Guidance Scale to identify the vibration of your energy.

2. Take Inspired Action

woman smiling

The second step to taking action when manifesting is to take inspired action toward your desire.

As I mentioned above, your energy is always attracting experiences that match your vibration.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to sit back and watch.

In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to steer your energy to where you want to go by taking action.

A magnet can’t attract iron shavings unless you bring it closer to where the iron shavings are.

And so it is with attracting your desire.

When you infuse your actions with the highly positive energy you have cultivated in your manifestation practice, you will be able to consciously direct the attraction process to where you want it to go.

Everything you do, every person you meet, and every situation you encounter will respond in a way that is a vibrational match to your energy.

This is why I believe true manifestation is a co-creation between you and the Universe.

Yes, your energy is constantly attracting things that match its likeness.

But your job is to take that energetic magnet to where you want to go so that you can attract the specific things, people, and outcomes that align with your vision.

And these tangible actions don’t have to be groundbreaking.

They can be as simple as making a phone call, applying for that job, or asking that person out on a date.

Whatever action you take, remember that the energy you bring to it determines the energy you will receive.

3. Surrender The Outcomeman smiling

The final step to taking action when manifesting is to surrender the outcome.

Many people think that surrender is passive, but it is actually the complete opposite.

Surrender is an active action that you take over and over again when you are manifesting.

The most common block to our manifestations is our attachment to a specific outcome.

This attachment causes us to spiral into negative vibrations like fear, worry, and doubt.

Which causes us to manifest outcomes that create more of that fear, worry, and doubt.

This is why it’s so important to surrender our negative thoughts to the Universe so that our thought system can be transformed from fear back to love.

Use this prayer to shift your perception whenever fear sets in, “Universe, I am willing to see this situation differently. I step back and let you lead the way.”

Feel into the magnitude of the words and allow the feeling of inner peace to set in.

When you feel your energy shift back into a more positive vibration, that’s when you can go and take action again.

Does Law of Attraction Require You To Take Action?

The Law of Attraction does not require you to take action. However, it will inspire you to take action.

The more your thoughts are in alignment with having what you want, the more you will be inspired to take action towards your desire.

For example, if you are manifesting a relationship, you may be inspired to check out this new bar with a friend where you will meet the love of your life.

You’re not sure what prompted you to go to the new bar, but you felt this intuitive nudge to go with a positive attitude.

This is the perfect example of taking inspired action when manifesting.

What Is Inspired Action?

An inspired action is an action that will bring you closer to the manifestation of your desire.

You can tell whether an action is backed by inspiration or not by the way you feel.

If you feel excited and optimistic about the outcome, it means that the action you’re planning to take is super inspired and it will bring you closer to what you want.

If your action is not inspired, meaning you’re doing it out of desperation and struggle, you will simply create more resistance against what you want.

Does Taking Action Always Work For Manifesting?

Yes. Taking action always works for manifesting as long as your action is inspired.

This is why it’s so important to not limit the way you think your manifestation will unfold.

Always be open to creative possibilities.

Remain aligned with your desire to manifest what you want, but stay open to when or how it will happen.