How To Manifest In 17 Seconds By Abraham Hicks

It only takes 17 seconds for you to set a manifestation in motion. Read this blog post to learn how to manifest using the 17-second manifestation method in 5 steps.

What is the 17 Second Rule?

The 17 second rule states that when you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought. And when you focus on a thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes powerful enough to manifest itself in real life.

This method is excellent for newcomers to manifesting because it gives you a concrete time to aim for when manifesting.

Follow these 5 steps below to learn how to manifest in 17 seconds.

Who Invented The 17 Second Rule?

The 17 second rule is developed by Abraham-Hicks,  a group of non-physical entities channeled by Esther Hicks.

Esther Hicks is a teacher of the Law of Attraction and author of the best-selling book, Ask and It Is Given.

Step 1: Pick One Thing To Manifest

woman sitting on the floor thinking

The first step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to pick one thing to manifest.

You may have a million things you want to attract right now.

But as I teach in my manifestation course, the best way to manifest is to focus on one thing at a time.

Being crystal clear about one specific desire helps you cultivate the feeling of that experience and attract it into your reality.

Step 2: Visualize Your Desire 

man meditating

The second step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to visualize how good it feels to experience your desire.

As I discuss in my manifestation book, Feeling Good, your energy creates your reality.

Therefore, it’s important to remember that it’s the feeling that attracts when it comes to manifestation.

Out of the 22 manifestation techniques available, the best way to get into the feeling of what you want to experience is through visualization

Close your eyes and imagine how good it feels to experience your desire. Allow your mind to create visions of what you want to manifest. Surrender to the creative power of your imagination.

You’ll know your visualization is working if it feels good.

Let that positive vibration surge through your body, mind, and spirit.

Allow your emotion to climb up the Emotional Guidance Scale and vibrate at feelings of joy, love, and appreciation.

Step 3: Focus On The Thought For 17 Seconds

girl thinking

The third step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to focus on this good-feeling thought for 17 seconds.

Once you get into your feel-good state, start a timer on your phone for 17 seconds.

Close your eyes again and focus on all the positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts that come to mind.

You’ll notice that it becomes easier and easier to reach for better-feeling thoughts.

This is the Law of Attraction at work. When you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought. This means the thought’s vibration is strong enough to attract similar thoughts.

But your work is not done here! Abraham-Hicks says it takes 68 seconds for the vibration of the thought to become powerful enough to manifest in physical reality.

Step 4: Focus On The Thought For 68 Seconds

woman smiling

The fourth step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to focus on the positive thought for 68 seconds, which means 3 more cycles of 17 seconds.

Set a timer for 51 seconds and turn your attention to your desire again.

Close your eyes and surrender to all positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts that come up.

Every 17 seconds you spend focusing on a thought strengthens its vibration even more.

By focusing on the thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes strong enough to manifest itself in the physical plane.

Step 5: Let Go and Allow

Woman in A Colorful Knitted Shirt And Gray Headwear

The fifth step to manifesting in 17 seconds is to let go and allow the Universe to do its thing.

After spending 68 seconds on the positive vibration of your desire, you are now in vibrational alignment with what you want.

This means that the Universe is conspiring to deliver you people, objects, and situations that are a vibrational match for you.

Your only job is to be patient and receive what the Universe has in store for you.

Be open and receptive to new opportunities that come your way.

Trust that your energy will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

Keep taking action while maintaining positive and high vibrational energy.

While you are waiting for your manifestation, keep your vibration high using these I Am affirmationsprayers to the Universe, or affirmation cards to detach from the outcome and maintain your vibrational alignment with what you want.

Does the Abraham-Hicks 17 Second Rule Work?

Yes. Abraham-Hicks’ 17-second method works for manifesting.

It only takes 17 seconds of focus to move into alignment with a thought, and it only takes 68 seconds of focus on that thought to begin attracting its essence into your reality.

However, remember that this rule applies to negative thoughts too.

It only takes 17 seconds of doubt to become aligned with it, and 68 seconds to begin attracting the absence of your desire.

To sum it all up, whatever you focus on continuously, you will attract. No exceptions.

Can You Really Manifest In 17 Seconds?

Yes. Your manifestation can begin in 17 seconds. The operative word here is begin.

All manifestation first began with a thought. That thought attracts thoughts that are like it, and those thoughts attract more thoughts.

As these thoughts get more and more powerful they turn into a belief, which is the point where you will start to attract experiences that match your belief.

But again, remember that this rule works in the opposite direction as well. It only takes 17 seconds of doubt to pause your manifestation.

How Long Does It Take For The 17-Second Rule To Manifest?

It takes exactly 17 seconds for the 17-second rule to start working.

When you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought.

And when you focus on a thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes powerful enough to manifest itself in real life.