Top 10 Best Manifestation Meditation Videos (Free)

Looking for the best manifestation meditation? Here are the top 10 manifestation meditations of all time.

Every spiritual person practices some form of meditation because meditation is how you connect with your higher power.

When you sit in stillness, you allow divine wisdom and spiritual guidance to come through.

A gentle way to begin your manifestation practice is to start by using guided meditations.

I have compiled my favorite manifestation meditation videos for you below.

Scroll through the list and pick the one that resonates with you the most and try it out!

1. “I AM” Affirmations For Manifestation

Time Required: 6 minutes

Created By: Kenneth Wong

Link: YouTube

Affirmations that start with “I Am” are one of the most powerful things you can say to manifest what you want.

As pastor Joel Osteen explained on Oprah’s show, “Whatever follows I am will come looking for you.”

By shifting your internal dialogue, you raise the vibration of your energy which allows you to achieve vibrational alignment with your desire.

And by maintaining this vibrational alignment, you will attract people, things, and situations that match your positive energy as a result of the Law of Attraction.

Are you ready to shift your energy and manifest your greatest desires? Listen to these “I Am” Affirmations for Manifestation daily to get started.

2. Morning Affirmations For Manifestation 

Time Required: 3 minutes

Created By: Kenneth Wong

Link: YouTube

Listen to these positive affirmations every morning to manifest your greatest desires.

These affirmations put you into vibrational alignment with the loving presence of the Universe which allows you to co-create what you want.

3. 10 Minute Manifestation Meditation

Time Required: 10 minutes

Created By: Live The Life You Love

Link: YouTube

If you have read my book on manifestation, Feeling Good, you will know that visualization is one of my favorite practices out of all the manifestation techniques that are available.

Visualization helps you get into vibrational alignment with your desire by cultivating the feeling of experiencing your desire as if it has manifested.

The more you embody the positive feelings of experiencing your desire, the closer you are to manifesting your desire.

Use this powerful 10-minute manifestation meditation to go on a visualization journey and manifest what you want.

4. Manifestation Meditation During Your Sleep

Time Required: 3 Hours

Created By: Dauchsy

Link: YouTube

You are always manifesting your reality—even when you’re asleep.

According to the Law of Vibrationeverything in the universe is made up of energy that is vibrating at a specific frequency.

And by the Law of Attraction, energies that vibrate at the same frequency are drawn to each other.

This means that even though you are unconscious when you are sleeping, your energy is still actively vibrating and attracting its likeness.

Use this manifestation meditation to raise your energetic vibration before you go to sleep, and you can literally manifest your desires while you are sleeping.

5. Visualization Manifestation Meditation

Time Required: 14 minutes

Created By: Gabrielle Bernstein

Link: YouTube

This is one of my favorite visualization videos of all time by Gabrielle Bernstein.

Visualization is a powerful practice that can help you manifest what you want.

Visualization helps you get into vibrational alignment with your desire by cultivating the feeling of experiencing your desire as if it has manifested.

The more you embody the positive feelings of experiencing your desire, the closer you are to manifesting your desire.

Use this guided manifestation meditation to go on a visualization journey and manifest what you want.

6. Positive Energy Manifestation Meditation

Time Required: 5 minutes

Created By: Gabrielle Bernstein

Link: YouTube

Feeling out of alignment with the Universe? Use this positive energy manifestation meditation to come back into your power.

These affirmations are uplifting and inspiring which can help you climb the Emotional Guidance Scale and recalibrate your vibration with love and joy.

7. Manifestation Meditation For Money

Time Required: 2.5 hours

Created By: Be Inspired

Link: YouTube

Want to become a vibrational match for money but don’t know where to start? Use this manifestation meditation to get started.

In order to manifest money, you must put yourself into vibrational alignment with it.

The reason why this works is because of the “like attracts like” principle of the Law of Attraction and the “everything is vibration” principle of the Law of Vibration.

As long as you are in the same vibrational frequency of money, you can and will attract it into your life.

8. Manifestation Meditation For Confidence

Time Required: 30 minutes

Created By: Jason Stephenson

Link: YouTube

Do you want to become a more confident person? Try using this manifestation meditation for confidence.

The biggest mistake people make when manifesting confidence is backing it up with negative energy like jealousy and insecurity.

We want to be more confident because we are jealous of someone. Or we feel insecure about our lack of confidence.

But true manifestation is backed by high vibrational positive energy like joy and inspiration.

Instead of being jealous of people who are more confident than you, let their confidence inspire you to work on your personal growth.

Celebrate their confidence as your own. Use it as a vision of what life could be like if you become a more confident person.

By turning this limiting belief into a positive story, you can get into vibrational alignment with your desire and manifest it into your reality.

9. Manifestation Meditation For Self Love

Time Required: 30 minutes

Created By: Jason Stephenson

Link: YouTube

Get into vibrational alignment with love using this manifestation meditation for self-love.

Love is the energy with the highest vibrational frequency out there.

This is why Love is synonymous with God in many religions and belief systems.

By showing yourself the love you want to receive, you become a vibrational match for love.

In this powerful aligned state, you are a magnet for more loving people, situations, and experiences.

10. Manifestation Meditation For Love and Relationship

Time Required: 22 minutes

Created By: Unlimited You

Link: YouTube

Do you want to manifest love using affirmations? Use this manifestation meditation to affirm your desire for love.

According to the Law of Attraction, you manifest whatever you think and feel.

Affirmations help you manifest what you want by gently replacing the negative thoughts in your head with more positive ones.

In this positive high-vibe state, you are in the perfect position to manifest everything you want and more.